A passage through open land.

Transient States

With a romanticised sense I have daydreamed of heavy rhythmic rumbles on metal tracks. Nostalgic VHS visions play, rewind and pause of wanderers leaning out of boxcars. Panoramas of rolling and expansive terrains stretching far to the horizon.

Editions of “There’s something about a train” by Hobo Lee fuelled the visual impressions circling in my psyche. 

An opportunity arose to travel as a passenger rather than a vagabond on a voyage from east to west. Real life would now provide the fleeting sounds of bellowing horns and railroad crossings. Transitory far-ranging landscapes would pass by, sometimes missed and sometimes settled in a hazy motion filled memory. Some landscapes captured through a lens would provide a static snapshot of the momentary scenes.

Transient States, a nostalgic and marginally abstract take on a far reaching weakness for a particular form of transport and the American landscape.


Coastal Compositions